

Engineered Rubber Aggregate Corporation

ERA helps communities strengthen their transportation infrastructure by converting used tires into derived aggregate engineered specifically for the application.


Our goal: collect used tires in a timely manner and process them in the communities where the tire derived aggregate will be used to rebuild roads cutting transportation costs, reducing green house gas emissions and saving  mineral aggregate for more appropriate tasks while saving tax payer dollars.  

Tire Derived Aggregate at Work

Repairing and Preventing Frost Damaged Roads

Soft Road before tire Derived Aggregate

Before TDA

Soft road before TDA

Applying Tire Derived Aggregate to strengthen infrastructure

TDA Applied

TDA applied strengthening infrastructure

Completed Road - With TDA

Fixed For Good

Never found a soft road TDA couldn't fix.


Engineered Rubber Aggregate Corporation has a long history of used tire innovation beginning with OTR Recycling when Peter Schroedter, the original owner of OTR Recycling, manufactures an effective winter watering system tapping into geo heat using industrial tires. From there Schroedter and his team expanded into rubber aggregate and its uses.

What we do: we are continuing to research and apply our knowledge to engineering problems where the very unique material properties of rubber aggregate offer a superior choice to mineral aggregate or sand.

TDA, Strengthing Manitoba Infrastructure

Tire Derived Aggregate has quietly been strengthening Manitoba's infrastructure for decades

General Inquiries,

Tire Pickup & Accounting


email – info@erarubber.com

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